Wednesday, May 27, 2009
a series of strange events...
We had a great two hour rain delay, followed by gremlins in the systems that never seemed to really go away.
I have begun to notice things about stuff I hadn’t noticed before. Like the fact that most of us who are regular camera people have a weird kinship of sorts. We all sit together at dinner, hardly saying a word.. eating in almost unison.. and then we just break and go in different directions. People must think it strange, but that’s our thing. Our director was commenting about how one of us only communicates with yes or no by moving the camera in one way or another… but that’s just how we are. I would suppose I am more outspoken than the rest,.. does that make me the camera guy spokesman?
There’s been a lot of disturbing medical issues at GABP lately too. One day a guy dies in the stands, the next a guy on security falls flat on his face passing out on the warning track, the next a lady goes missing for 6 innings after saying she had to go to the restroom and people think it might have been a stroke. Last night after the rain delay we came back on to find out that every ones headsets sounded like they were robots or in tron or something… this before the scoreboard disappeared halfway for about an inning and a half. Then the lights flickered in the park.. and I later found out there was a power surge across the river.
All this encompassed around a short rain delay that left us not getting out until 11pm last night.
Other than that its been great and the team is still doing really well (with the exception of mike Lincoln, but I need to keep it positive here). Last night I got to see Laynce Nix drop a bomb into right field… and later found out that his brother did the same thing on the same night. There’s only been about 5 or 6 other brother combinations in baseball to do that in the majors.. I think one of them was even on the same team. Nix continues to crush it… and rounds out the lineup well. I cant help but think though that if he were right handed he wouldn’t be here. He would probably be somewhere else. He’s definitely been having to prove himself.
This is a great reds team.
A great young and rejuvenated reds team that gets out and does what they have to do. Sure they make mistakes now and then, everyone does. But this isn’t the sluggish team with the holly go lightly attitude that we have seen in the past. If you are a fan or have been and have been doubting, you need to get down to the ballpark and see it. The energy.. the feeling.. everything about it is all different this year.
I once said that every time I come out of that tunnel and step onto the warning track at great American, that it feels like I am 5 years old again… and its even doubled this year. Is it because we are winning more than we are losing? Could be part of it.. but aside from that, it’s the feeling in the air.. it’s the look on the players faces.. its just the atmosphere and the remarkable change that’s been made this season. I do wish I could experience more games from the seats as a spectator, but I wouldn’t trade my position for anything in the world.
Something that has been different is getting to see Jeff Keppinger actually play on this trip, and while it wasn’t so great to see him hit a home run into the stands, it was nice to see that the fans still accept him even though hes not part of the reds any more. I am even more so interested to see how they will respond to ryan freel when the cubs hit town next weekend.
Freel unfortunately sat out most of his last season here with injury, but as far as I could tell people still loved him… I know I did, and hes one of my favorite players ever. I can remember once going to a game back a while ago and freel was in the outfield.. there was a long bomber to right-center field that he made an amazing dive to catch and the place just blew up like the 4th of july. After he was traded to Baltimore, I read an article about how he is really pro-fans, and offered fans to personally email him and he would try and hook up one family with free tickets for every town they visited, and hang out as much as he could before and after games… of course then he was traded to the cubs, and I haven’t heard much since. In my book though, aside from his legal troubles, Freel is a standup dude and a great player.
Tonight marks the end of a really long homestand and a short break for me… I hope that whoever reads what write really enjoys it and I look forward to writing more for you through the summer. If you have any questions, comments, or anything.. feel free to email me at robert (at) or just leave a comment or two.. thanks and enjoy.
Friday, May 22, 2009
perhaps two of the most shocking or rather odd events happened on consecutive days.
Wednesday evening felt odd to me.
as i walked down the hall toward the dining room something struck me and made me feel weird but i couldnt put my finger on what it was. dinner was normal.. everything was pretty normal really.. that was until I got to my camera and we got into pregame.
as it turns out, a man had suffered what was probably cardiac arrest out in the sundeck/moondeck bleachers. paramedics rushed to his aid and pumped on his chest for what seemed like an ice age while performing CPR. eventually they would end up taking him out on a backboard... eventually i would find out that he has passed away in the stands. some of the crew talked about how a similar thing had happened a while back and so i researched while looking for a clue to this recent happening online... it turns out that in 2005, the same thing had happened, eerily in the same section to a boys grandfather. the bench coach took the initiative, inviting the boy to sit with players for the game, and griffey in an act of charity, put together a giant grab bag od signed goodies and other reds related things for the boy.
the whole event was overshadowed by the dominance of the reds for the evening.. but left me feeling off and questioning my own mortality, having had a birthday just the previous day and realizing that i am not getting any younger.
then during the thursday businessday special, I was on camera in the blazing sun when I looked over to see a pregnant lady sitting in the stands about 8 feet from me. this isnt abnormal.. pregnant ladies come to the game all the time.
what isnt normal about this is that i am pretty sure this lady was drinking.
I mentioned this over the headset, so then everyone took a look. was it apple juice I asked myself? how could it be.. they dont sell apple juice in a plastic beer cup at the ballpark. this was confirmed for me when the lady sitting next to her came back from the concession with a fresh beer of her own, and a new plastic beer cup full of a bronze liquid that had a frothy head on it. this pregnant lady downed i dont know how many of these before they finally left.
someone mentioned that they thought that the ballpark selled O'douls.
Even so, if you are that desperate of an alcoholic that you need to drink an o'douls when you are visibly 8 or 9 months pregnant, then you probably dont need to be having a child.
All in all this past series was one of ups and downs and with todays switch arounds due to some injuries, we have a potential to see some fresh action of a team thats battling to keep their head above water. I still stand by my pre season prediction... the reds will finish above around or a little above 500 and have the potential to the NL central wildcard.
only time will tell, and until volquez gets healthy and a few more adjustments are made at the plate, its anyones game.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
sometimes the dog gets you.. and sometimes...
Tuesday May 19th, 2009
Philadelphia Phillies @ Cincinnati Reds.
What do you expect on nights like these? The reds had just come off of a road trip where they had gone from 4th place to 1st place and back to 4th all before they even got back home, and now tonight they face the Phillies.
Today was my birthday, and also this thing called bark in the park. For those not familiar, IAMS sponsors a day where you can take your dog to the game. Your dog gets a seat, a treat, and most of all, the price of the tickets is so outrageous for the entire package.. how can you not pass it up? Theres even a chance for you to go out on the field with your pooch for a puppy parade and its generally a good time. They started this program 2 years ago and I have been both years with my boston terrier Donovan.. this year, I figure due to the success of it always selling out, they decided to have two. One in May, and one in September.
Now I love my dog… a lot.. maybe too much. I would however never go to the extremes that some people do in how they dress their dogs up. Ive been known to throw a baby sized shirt on my dog or a pair of socks for a cheap laugh, but Ive never done this…
I often wonder what dogs are thinking, if at all. If I had to take a guess… I would say these dogs are thinking “we are going to smother you in your sleep tonight”.
As I said before.. its my birthday.. and I made the mistake of telling our “lunch lady” Denise. Denise is like that grandmother that your cool friend had when you were kids. You would go over to her house and she would always have fresh cookies made for you, and would also give you a word of life wisdom even though you might be too young to understand. The kind of gramma that would go collect the mail in one breath and be smacking that darn dog for getting into the pie cooling on the table the next.
Denise then proceeded to turn me toward the entire dinner crowd and lead them in a singing of happy birthday which was thoroughly embarrassing to say the least. Everyone gave it a half hearted attempt, and then laughed at me. So it was a good night right?
The game went well, and for a crowd of 12 plus thousand, it was a great night. Cueto was on it mostly (despite one home run shot)… and the team came out like they were in the mood to end a losing streak. Bruce railed
one out of the park, as did hairston, but my highlight would be in the bottom of the 9th when Laynce Nix came up to bat. With Janish on first and in need of 2 runs to win, I knew that Laynce was the man to take care of the job… except he walked, leaving it up to someone else who ended up popping out and ending the game. Tough loss.. tough play.. we’ll get em next time.
One thing I did yesterday was mount a small tripod to the frame of my bike. Some people have been inquiring about the bike, seeing me write about my journeys (including my not so nice ones) in the downtown area and wondering what its all about… so I decided to start posting some videos of my rides to give you a different perspective on what I go through to get to and from the stadium each game.
This first one centers on the after game for may 19th,… I did try and record my journey to the stadium, but for whatever reason the camera cut off… so that ones lost in the books. This night ride though, is enjoyable to watch and really shows you a different way of looking at downtown I think. So enjoy.
Monday, May 11, 2009
3 days, 2 wins.
The biggest highlight: Nix and Rosales.
I can say I was there the day Rosales hit his first Major League Homer… I can say I was there as I watched him run about 300mph after he did.. I can say I was there to see Laynce Nix simply tear it up both in the field and at the plate. (despite a few strikeouts),.. and to see the infamous steamroll he placed on Kyle Lohse.
Wear to start and how good my memory will do is to be determined.
As I crossed the yellow bridge from Newport into Cincinnati on Friday evening the stadium lights weren’t on yet, which was a bad sign and meant a potential rain delay and a long night of standing in it, dodging it, and overall just waiting it out. It wasn’t incredibly bad though, and once the game got started it was all Reds full on.
Before that though, was my bike ride from uptown to the stadium and as I trucked down 2nd st, the sign of familiar vendors like 5 dollar hat guy and the cheap peanuts guys was nowhere to be found. Did they not have faith that there would be baseball this great rainy evening? The cold rush of well conditioned air flowing up from within the parking garage bit at my skin as I rode the break down the hill to gate 3 and hoped for the best.
What I got was the best, and made the night well worth waiting and then eventually standing through scattered spurts of sprinkles and drizzle. The Reds had simply come alive and were backing up the bullpen to incredible lengths. The Friday night crowd showed up and were great despite the rain. What was even better was being able to see the talent of Nix and Rosales really light up in the wake of recent sickness and injury.
Rosales is like a 5 year old on Christmas morning, to find that bike shaped present under the tree and still wondering what it is as he wildly tears into it. The enthusiasm and fervor in which he plays with, is matched by his presence on the field and at the plate. The fact that theres a player who has a passion for the game and plays it like he doesn’t even care that hes getting paid to do so, is a true testament to the next generation of what major league baseball could be. When he exits the field.. hes trucking it. When he goes on the field.. hes trucking it.. when he gets walked.. hes trucking it.. its like watching your child walk for the first time,.. simply amazing to see.
Laynce Nix,… needs to be an every day site in left field. He does strike out now and then, but when he hits.. HE HITS. Doubles, triples, home runs… RBI’s.. hes a machine.
The sad thing about it is though.. that due to contracts and all that principle stuff,.. when the regulars come back these two great talents will go back to riding the pine, and further.. Rosales will probably go back to Triple A and wait for someone to be traded or go down for the season.
Outside of what took place on the field, there wasn’t much of interest except for another great fireworks display on Friday night (I forgot my camera) and the amazing sellout on Saturday. It was kind of weird because at one point I was looking for my boss and walked past the windows of the waltz business solutions center and spied the crowd waiting to get in when the gates opened.
It really gives you a weird perspective to be there and inside before everyone is let in. the field is big and empty,.. we are playing music and running animation loops.. getting set up.. and workers are rustling around.. but I had never realized what it looks like out front, despite having rode past it on my bike for every game.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Juuuuuuust a bit outside......
Tonight we were greeted with a rain delay, and it wasn’t good rain either. It was dull drab misting rain that moved in slow... and creeped around... and then eventually left. In the process though, I got to watch a great history video on Crosley Field… but wait, I am getting ahead of myself.
Tonight I ate dinner 6 feet away from Bob Uecker. Yes the “JUUUUUUST A BIT OUTSIDE” Bob Uecker from Major League. The Bob Uecker that is shown countless amounts of times on WWE highlight reels being choked out by Andre The Giant,… and there he is sitting 6 feet from me eating the same hot dog I am eating. Enjoying the same beaked beans I was enjoying… and talking it up and laughing with Marty.
While eating, they had the best sports show period on in the dining room and were showing the top sports bloopers of all time, part two. We were watching and then suddenly there was a roar amongst the crowd as the now infamous event from a pregame where Mr. Redlegs fell off the back of the 4 Wheeler and took a tumble. It just so happened that the two guys who make Gapper and Redlegs come to life were standing there, and were receiving some good ribbing from the Media guys sitting around eating. They took the jabs well though and it was pretty funny.
I was still kind of preoccupied with the fact that Bob Uecker was sitting next to me… I never know what to say exactly in those situations... so I said nothing. I did however know what to say when I saw my new favorite Red while setting up. As I was helping Erik get his gear to first base before the rain came, I saw someone sitting in the Reds dugout on their cell phone. This is a pretty common thing, but what made it uncommon is that it was Laynce Nix.
He was looking down at his phone (presumably texting) and I couldn’t resist the urge while I was walking by to say “You’re my favorite Laynce!”, he looked up kind of surprised, chuckled and said thanks and pumped his fist at me. I don’t think he really took me seriously… and I guess if my main role had been pinch hitting all season, I wouldn’t take someone saying that to me seriously either. But I was honest and thankful when he eventually got into the game and cranked out an RBI double after the rain delay finally ended.
In little league and later High School league ball, it’s not uncommon that everyone might get a chance to pitch. After last night’s less than stellar performance by Bronson Arroyo, Dusty was running out of options going into the 9th inning and played a card that I had not seen a major league coach pull… and that was putting the shortstop on the mound.
Paul Janish got up there, and did as well as I suppose anyone else would have. The crowd sure loved it, cheering him and even started a light chant of “let’s go Janish!” Janish struck out the first batter before running into some trouble and eventually taking a homer off of Prince Fielder. I am sure for anyone who tuned in expecting to see one of Fox Sports filler programs that late was probably mystified at the fact that the shortstop was on the hill. In the end though (despite the home run, but I mean what do you expect ... the man has pitched how many games in the Majors?) Janish didn’t do too badly. He was cool, calm and collected... and got up there as though he and Hanigan were simply playing catch in a way.
Since the rain delay took an extra hour than usual, I was able to ride my bike on fairly open streets. It’s nice to ride around that late with the lack of traffic. As I rode through downtown with my bike lights blazing I had many thoughts…
“What will the rest of the season hold?"
"Sharee Paolello is a tiny woman”
“The reaction on Sportscenter is probably going to be bad”
“Will I ever meet Shadow Hare while riding around downtown?”
“When will Laynce Nix see full time play?”
“Paul Janish… wow”
But the biggest thought is one that was instilled in me when I played the game myself,.. When it wasn’t for millions of dollars, or TV advertising, or endorsements or anything else… it was when the game was played for fun… that thought simply was “we’ll get em’ next time”
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
great american explosions...
I have been meaning to post these for a while...
pictures I took of the last Friday night fireworks at the park. click on each one for a larger view.
A new homestand this week.. so be sure to keep checking in for new updates.
i took these outside of the stadium on the east side of the underground freedom center.
i dont know how i was lucky enough to get this image,...
its totally natural and undoctored and looks amazing to me.
there are several friday night fireworks shows throughout the season.. and are worth it.
the same company that does the WEBN fireworks and the fourth of july celebration do these.